Research Use Only


Power your research with isoPwrTM !

Our spin column purification kits offer a streamlined and efficient solution for isolating high-purity nucleic acids from diverse sample types. Leveraging advanced silica membrane technology, these kits deliver exceptional yields and purity, enabling optimal performance in a wide range of downstream molecular biology applications.

Product Name Pack Size Catalogue No.
isoPwr-STM Plasmid DNA Isolation Kit 50 Preps NMB0182050
250 Preps NMB0184250
isoPwr-STM PCR and Gel Clean-up Kit 50 Preps NMB0212050
250 Preps NMB0214250
isoPwr-STM Total RNA Isolation Kit (Bacterial) 50 Preps NMB0252050
250 Preps NMB0254250
isoPwr-STM Genomic DNA Isolation Kit (Bacterial) 50 Preps NMB0172050
250 Preps NMB0174250
isoPwr-STM Total Nucleic Acid Isolation Kit (Bacterial) 50 Preps NMB0272050
250 Preps NMB0274250




Faster. Easier. Enriched DNA!

Extract high-quality DNA from virtually any sample – bacterial culture, gel, PCR, blood, plasma, saliva, swabs, and more – with unparalleled ease. Our innovative magnetic bead technology captures pure DNA, leaving contaminants behind. Perfect for sequencing, qPCR, PCR, and enzymatic reactions, isoPwr-MTM delivers the high-yield, pure nucleic acid you need, every time.

Product Name Pack Size Catalogue No.
isoPwr-MTM Genomic DNA Isolation Kit (Bacterial) 50 Preps NMB0162050
250 Preps NMB0164250
isoPwr-MTM Total Nucleic Acid Isolation Kit (Saliva) 50 Preps NRU0232050
250 Preps NRU0234250
isoPwr-MTM Blood DNA Isolation Kit 50 Preps NRU0242050
250 Preps NRU0244250
isoPwr-MTM PCR and Gel Clean-up Kit 50 Preps NMB0222050
250 Preps NMB0224250
isoPwr-MTM Genomic DNA Isolation Kit (Universal) 50 Preps NRU0262050
250 Preps NRU0264250

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